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All Aout Onboard Track Monitoring

Train tracks have a nagging habit of warping as temperature fluctuations. The ground also gets dry and shrinks, which causes uneven surfaces.

Can we find out the track condition? What are the best ways to assure the track's availability across the railway networks?

The onboard system operates on real-time geometry measurement of the track gauge horizontal profile, alignment, and twist. This system allows you to spot the presence of irregularities on rail tracks and to quickly respond to problems. By using a kinematic technique computer vision and inertial sensors are able to map the entire rail network that trains are able to travel.

It allows track maintainers to see a proven track record of the lane as well as to evaluate both quantitatively and qualitatively the amount of deficiency that each track has to offer.

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The purpose of this function is to give the maintainer the possibility of carrying out maintenance that is based on the current state of the lane and establishing the operating limitations, alerts and planning timings, and more. 

In a situation where maintenance of the tracks is expensive and complicated, This feature monitors the state of the tracks to allow for maintenance based on the condition of the track and detection of anomalies.

The installation of the Track defect measuring system is attainable for any train and completely transparent system, which is autonomous and requires only an input point. 

Further solutions can be included in the most vital locations within the networks. Blacknest is the IoT sensors line of smart motors that can be connected to collect additional information about the conditions.

Maintenance on track can be costly and lengthy. Installing the network with Blacknest is affordable and offers vital information on status to reduce the costs of maintenance of infrastructure.