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ASVAB Practice Test Study Guide Zone

The Armed Forces ASVAB Battery Professional Training Manual covers ten categories of ASVAB exam content: word knowledge, paragraph understanding, arithmetic reasoning, mathematical knowledge, general science, mechanical understanding, electronic information, workshop information, vehicle information, and assembly items.

Written in plain English, starting with the basics. Focus on the main topic for each subtest – what is most likely to be seen in the ASVAB. You can opt for an online ASVAB course or best military aptitude test study guide for the preparation of the ASVAB exam.

Heavy emphasis on word knowledge, paragraph understanding, arithmetic reasoning, and mathematical knowledge – the subtests that make up the AFQT, the results of which will determine whether you qualify to join the Army.

Strategies for adopting both versions of the ASVAB:

– Read the instructions for each test carefully before starting the test.

– Read each question carefully before choosing your answer.

– Watch your time – don't spend too much time on one question if it doesn't give you time to answer the next.

– If you don't know the answer to a question, try to rule out as many wrong decisions as possible, then guess from the other answers.

The 200-question practice test includes questions in the same format as the actual exam and includes questions from ten chapters. Practice test questions are scattered throughout the book allowing readers to practice the skills they have just learned.

Illustrations and examples throughout the book help you understand concepts. This book contains many general learning and testing tips, including specific testing tips for each chapter.