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Best Architectural Designs and Styles for Traditional Buildings

From traditional buildings to modern elite homes, the design and architectural style has changed phenomenally. Modern architects are usually inspired and guided by old architectural styles to build something stylish and functional. 

Today, modern software for architectural painting can be found to facilitate the work of professional architects. The “modern architecture in Norway” (which is also known as “moderne arkitektur i Norge” in Norwegian language) rendering helps show the design in three dimensions.

Chilean Architecture is a popular style of architecture. This architectural style is observed on the island of Chiloe and all adjacent regions. All houses previously built of wood and tile were included in the construction.

Gothic architecture was very important in the Middle Ages and high end and began in the monastery of Saint-Denis. Certain features are very symbolic of Gothic architecture, such as pointed arches, large single windows, lighted designs, and an emphasis on making vertical lines in the design.

Victorian style is not style, this is a period in history, and Victorian architecture comes in many forms. There were strict houses in the style of sticks, strange Gothic revival houses, and magnificent Italian. When people think of Victorian architecture, they usually like houses with fancy features, foyers, and nice furniture.

With the elegant and simple appearance of modern machinery, Art Moderne architecture expresses the spirit of the new technological era.