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Disposal Methods Of Polymer Batteries

The lithium-polymer battery is a new, rechargeable lithium-based battery. Lithium polymer was developed as a lower cost and more stable version of the lithium-ion cell. But there are certain safety measures that need to be followed when using such polymer batteries. They are also known as lipo cells. You can get more information about the lithium-polymer battery packs via


• Never allow Lithium battery to be charged or discharged on or near combustible materials, this includes paper, plastic, vinyl, carpets, leather, wood, inside an R/C model or full-sized automobile.

• Do not put packs in the pocket of any clothing.

• Never allow lithium batteries to come in contact with moisture or water at any time.

• Never store the batteries near an open flame or heater.

• Never assemble Lithium batteries or pre-assembled packs together with other Lithium cells/packs. Only a qualified battery assembly company should assemble or modify LiPo batteries.

• ALWAYS make sure that metallic objects, such as wristwatches, bracelets, or rings are removed from your hands when handling a lithium polymer battery. Accidentally touching battery terminals to any such objects could create a short-circuit condition and possibly cause severe personal injury.

Besides the safety measures, the disposal of lithium batteries also needs to be disposed of properly. Lithium-polymer batteries are environmentally friendly, still, there are some things that need to be kept in mind.

• For safety reasons Lithium batteries should be fully discharged before disposal (however, if physically damaged it is NOT recommended to discharge LiPo cells before disposal – see below for details). The batteries must also be cool before proceeding with disposal instructions.