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Information About The Basic Home Security Camera Installation

The large influx of surveillance and home surveillance cameras is largely due to the availability of camera technology, but with it comes a new simplicity in installing cameras. What was once a fairly complicated process is now simple enough for almost anyone.

The more important part of this process is deciding which system you need. The answers to these questions depend of course on the basic use of this security camera system as well as your personal preferences. You can contact us to install security cameras in your house or office.

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The first step in the actual installation is to determine the proper surveillance area. Once the area is defined, it is important to place the camera at the right distance to cover the area. After selecting a location, hold the camera in that position and mark where the screws will fit through the bracket that came with the camera. You may need to drill screw holes first on some surfaces. Then simply fasten the mounting plate to the desired mounting surface and make sure it is seated properly.

A “wired” system is a bit more complicated to install than a wireless system because you then have to run the cable to the monitoring device. This can be done in several ways. If you’re still building a house, you can easily thread this cable through the wall to hide it. However, if you are installing the system into an existing structure, you can use a variety of assemblies or adhesives to mount the conduit in the corner or along with the bearings.