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Introduction to Internal Family Systems Therapy

The Internal Family System (IFS) is a new form of therapy that is compassionate, integrative, spiritual, deeply healing, and deeply respectful of our inner life. He recognized that our soul is made up of distinct parts, sometimes referred to as sub-personalities. They can be imagined as the little person inside us. Everyone has their own views, feelings, memories, goals and motivations.  You can also read more about internal family system therapy via

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IFS has found that every piece has positive intentions for you, no matter how problematic it may be. For example, Bill has a judgmental role and competes with others in a way that is inconsistent with his true values. However, when he does get to know the part, he finds that he's just trying to help her feel good about herself in the only way she knows how – by feeling superior to others.

Realizing that a passage has positive intentions does not mean you are adding strength to the section. Bill didn't want his role to be judgmental and competitive. However, with the IFS approach, Bill can treat his part with understanding and appreciation as he takes steps to heal it. This is fundamentally different from the way we usually treat our share. When we create a section, we usually evaluate it first.

Is it good or bad for us When we decide he is good, we hug him and give him strength. When we decide it is bad, we try to suppress it or get rid of it. However, you cannot eliminate some. You can only push it into your subconscious, where it continues to influence you, but without your conscious mind.

At IFS we do something very different and radical. We receive all our pieces with curiosity and affection. We strive to understand them and appreciate their efforts to help us. We build a caring and trusting relationship with each part and then take steps to alleviate it so that it can function healthily.