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Maintenance Tips For Static Caravans

Mobile homes are considered very easy to maintain. To ensure that the caravan remains fully functional, it is a good idea to implement a basic maintenance program. Here are seven tips for caring for a caravan:

Gutters – Keep gutters free of dirt and debris. This is a simple but important job that needs to be done regularly. You can also get information about hot water system for caravans through the web.

How the Water System Works on a Caravan

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This is especially important in fall and winter for caravans with many overhanging trees. If water is left in the gutter, it can start seeping into the roof, causing significant moisture problems.

Exterior Panels – To maintain the appearance of the caravan, the exterior panels should be thoroughly cleaned once or twice a year.

Air Ventilation – Air ventilation is useful for several reasons. Gas safety is an important issue. They are also necessary to allow air circulation to avoid moisture problems and moisture build-up.

Electricity and gas – Electricity and gas bottles must be turned off if you leave the caravan for an extended period, e.g. B. on winter vacation. 

Regular testing of gas equipment is also a reasonable safety measure. Generally, two to three-yearly inspections are recommended to ensure the safety of caravan users.

Doors and Windows – Ensure hinges are clean and free of dirt and well oiled. Hinges that are not properly cared for can break or twist, causing major damage.