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Overcoming Depression With Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Depression is often described with words like "I'm feeling depressed", "I feel like I am in a dark mood", "It smothers me like a heavy blanket", "I feel like I'm floating through treacle", and "I feel like it's a lot of work." These descriptions and others provide clues to the nature of emotions such as fear, anxiety, or depression. 

Emotions have a structure. This structure is encoded in images and physical sensations. If you are also feeling these emotions lately then you can opt to start meditation for peace at

Mindfulness Meditation

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Simply because once we understand the structure of emotion we have something that we can relate to and use to help us. Depression and other emotions are often very vague, almost like a fog. They don't have handles we can grasp to help us. Depression is often accompanied by feelings of despair and helplessness. We cannot see what is controlling us. Our emotions can make us feel helpless. How do you change something that isn't there?

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is simply paying attention to what arises in our experiences. It does not involve any reactivity, wanting or not wanting. Mindfulness means being present with our emotions and our experiences without judgment, but more importantly, it is not becoming attached to the emotion we are watching. 

This terrible tendency is to let our thoughts dictate what we do. Depression is the emotion that arises. It controls our consciousness and makes us suffer. Mindfulness, also known as ignorance or blind habitual conditioned reactive activity, is the antidote for this blind habitual condition. This is our unconsciousness and sleepwalking way of being that causes us to be stuck in our fear, anxiety, and depression. Mindfulness Meditation Therapy is a way to heal depression by becoming aware of its inner structure.