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Supported Independent Living: How It Works

Supported Independent Living, or SIL, is a service for people with disabilities who live in their own homes. This program allows individuals to hire personal care providers and helps them create good lives for themselves. 

Individuals are also given the ability to choose when they want to receive support from the supported independent living provider.

Types of Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living is a way for people with disabilities to live in their own home. It allows people to be healthy and independent, with the help of their health care provider. There are many types of Supported Independent Living so it's important to find the one that works best for you.

 Examples of Supported Independent Living include:

Personal Assistance Services – This type of service allows a person to receive 24-hour personal assistance. The personal assistant can do things such as perform household chores and make sure the person with a disability is safe, secure and healthy. Personal Assistants can be paid or unpaid volunteers.

Home Health Care – A Home Health Care Service helps people remain in their own home. It is a way for families to care for their loved one at home and at the same time reduce stress and expense. 

Home Modifications – These are modifications made to a person's home or apartment that make it easier for him or her to take care of daily needs such as bathing, getting dressed and going to the toilet. 

Examples of home modifications include making the bathroom accessible, installing grab bars in the shower or bathtub, lowering bed heights, providing assistive devices (such as canes or wheelchairs) or helping with everyday tasks.