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Technology Managers Leadership Skills

The technology-oriented profession has returned. Therefore, talented technology managers are needed in all areas – from web design and development to database-driven e-commerce to software engineering, maintenance and support.

The role of technology, from programmer to CIO, is also very important in companies in all industries including manufacturing, healthcare, education, government, and service companies. Tech professionals often seek career development, but they need the leadership skills they need for their careers.

In response to the demands of this industry, adult schools and distance schools now offer technology management degrees in undergraduate and graduate degrees, often in an accelerated format.

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However, another important trait of a successful technology manager cannot be found in silicon microchips or in CSS tagging lines of code. Some of these qualities include an aptitude for leadership; the ability to communicate ideas and guidelines as well as the ability to motivate and guide employees.

However, some designers of information technology and computer science academic curricula are starting to realize the importance of teaching soft skills in the classroom. Therefore, some curricula now focus on specific management training for aspiring technology managers.

Masters-level technology leadership training programs typically have two or three major academic components. The first important component is of course technology. Students of this type of master's degree usually begin their studies with advanced knowledge of at least one programming language and are comfortable in managing or developing databases and managing computer network systems.

The Master's Degree in Leadership and Information Technology is based on the student's foundation in information science and systems, allowing students to approach these disciplines from a leadership and management perspective.