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Using Online Process For Acculturation Onboarding

When a new employee shows up on their first day at work, they are faced with a dingy pile of documents, an office or cubicle, a series of strange faces, new learning roles, and a new company learning how to adapt to personal interests. You can simply look at automated onboarding software for employees & Hr at OVA for acculturation onboarding.

In helping the new employee to overcome the fear and insecurity that this situation makes sense: the earlier you do it, the sooner the new employee will help the company. 

Some board software providers try to solve this problem by offering a built-in system that creates a dedicated portal for new employees. We call this an onboard acculturation system, which is different from the transactional on-board system, which is focused on a collection of documents.

They believe that their onboard portal is uniquely qualified to make your New-hire more efficient and their onboard portal is an approach to best practices for acculturation or new employee outreach. 

However, you are afraid that you will be asked to implement another portal and you are afraid that creating another portal that separates new employees from the rest of your workforce can slow down the socialization process. 

If you already have an employee portal or intranet, your concerns are legitimate. It really doesn't make sense to use another portal, especially if you have a portal platform as flexible as this online process.