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What Is Family Mediation?

With the help of a neutral mediator, the mediation process allows the parties to have a confidential dialogue and reach an agreement. Although the mediator is impartial and cannot give advice on possible solutions, they can help clarify legal issues while keeping communication open.

Family mediation may be used to resolve disputes after separation or divorce, such as child custody and ownership disputes. Elder mediation is also available for issues relating to elderly relatives. 

Land dispute mediation and financial disputes are two other areas that mediation can help with. Other issues include pet allocation, the care of sick family members, and visitation rights in cases where one parent is living in an unacceptable arrangement after divorce.

Land Issues In family

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Meditations should not take more than three hours. However, it is up to the mediator's discretion and how the proceedings are progressing. They will keep going until they reach a solution if it seems that it is nearing. Additional sessions might be scheduled if there are more pressing issues. Most mediations end in three to six hours. If there is no agreement, the mediator might conclude that additional techniques are needed or that the case needs more formal attention.

Although most of the information shared during mediation is kept confidential, financial or land-related information could be made public in the event that the case is brought before a court.

If both parties have consented to the disclosure, information obtained during mediation cannot be used in court. One party may call the other to have a caucus, or private sessions, during the mediation process.