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Where to find nappy changing mats ?

Nappy changing mats are a great way to keep your nursery clean and tidy. There are plenty of different nappy changing mats available on the market, so it can be hard to decide which one to buy. Here is a guide on how to find the perfect one for your needs.

The first thing you need to do is assess your nursery’s space. You have enough room for a Nappy changing runners  Some mats are large enough to fit in multiple spots, while others are designed for single use only. 

Once you have determined how much space you have, it’s time to look at the different types of mats available on the market. There are circular, rectangular, and square mat designs. You can also choose between microfiber or fabric surfaces.

Finally, there are various colors and patterns available, so finding the perfect one for your nursery is easy.

Different types of mats and their features 

-Waterproof mat: This type of mat is designed to be waterproof, so it can be used in wet weather conditions. It is also often made from rubber or plastic, which makes it durable and prevents it from slipping.

-Non-woven fabric mat: This type of mat is made from a non-woven fabric, such as cotton or polyester. This makes it lightweight and easy to carry around, as well as providing a good level of protection against moisture and dirt.

-Wipe clean mat: This type of mat is designed to be easily removable and can be cleaned with a wet cloth or soap. It is also often made from soft materials, such as cotton, which makes it comfortable to use.