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Why should you use a direct mail campaign?

Direct mail is not a new idea, but it can be a very effective part of your overall marketing plan. Today, when images on television and their computers bombard consumers, it is precious to be able to hold a written message in your hand for careful consideration.


Television and radio can be easily overlooked, and the spam filter has left a lot of email marketing in the past. It is also one of the most profitable forms of advertising; With direct mail, you can reach your target audience for less money.

The key to success with direct marketing is making a plan. You need to consider what part of the audience you need to reach and properly plan your email campaign. Postcards direct mail services have a reasonable average response rate of 3-4%, a very good campaign of 5-10%. Plan to make your letters large enough to bring in the numbers you will need to be profitable.

It is your decision on what you think would be the best way to reach your target audience and inform without being intrusive. For many people, keeping up with the sender is the hardest part of their direct mail campaigns.

You can substantially create a to-do list to print, address, stamp, and mail your marketing pieces. A good printer will allow you to set a schedule ahead of time and take care of the mail for you. While it costs a bit more than doing it yourself, go back in the time saved and the job is done.