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All about the Treatment Anal Fissure

Anal fissure sounds like a name for some flora and fauna, but it is actually a medical term that refers to the tiny tear or split in the thin moist tissue lining your anus (lower right rectum). It can cause bleeding, pain, and itching.

You can also look for online treatment options for anal fissures.

Anal fissures are treatable - San Francisco AIDS Foundation

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Infants have an increased incidence of anal fissures. This decreases with the ages of school-age children and adults. It can also be caused by constipation or the passing of hard, large stools, or prolonged diarrhea in adults. 

Anal fissures in older adults may result from decreased blood flow. Anal fissures can also occur in Crohn's patients and women who have had children. Fissure development may also be caused by a low-fiber diet.

Fistula symptoms include sharp, burning pains during bowel movements, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and a crack in the skin at the center if the area is stretched or bleeding. The stool does not contain blood. 

The stool may contain blood mixed with it, which can indicate other conditions such as colon cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.

Anal fissures usually heal on their own and don't require treatment. Home care is usually successful. This includes avoiding constipation with high fiber foods and substances that absorb water while inside the intestinal tract.

Preventing anal fissures is better than treating them. This is why it is important to know the tips and tricks that can be used. Some of the ways to prevent anal fissures include keeping the area dry and wiping it with a soft cloth, cotton pad, or moistened cloth.