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Automatic Pool Cover for your Pool

A pool in your backyard not only beautifies your property but is also an asset. It takes a lot of investment to build a swimming pool. So to properly maintain and increase the longevity of the pool, you must use a pool cover.

There are different types of pool covers available in the market. They all serve different purposes. But the main purpose of any type of pool cover is to reduce the cost of pool maintenance and provide protection to your pool. There are four main types of pool covers namely solar cover, safety cover, automated pool covers, and leaf net.

Solar covers are used in the summer season to reduce the cost of heating the pool and also help to keep the pool clean by protecting it from dirt and debris. Solar covers reduce water evaporation from the pool thus saving gallons of water and costly chemicals. 

The cover works by trapping heat from the sun and transferring it directly to the water. It raises the temperature of the pool by 10-15 degrees. In this way, it extends the use of the pool from spring to fall. It is lightweight and less expensive.

The safety cover is used throughout the year. It acts as a lock on your pool to prevent intrusion by children and pets. It is made of either solid material fabric or meshes material fabric. The cover is made of good quality material so it won't pierce even when pierced with a sharp object giving you some time to patch the hole.

Winter covers are used to prevent leaves, twigs, and other types of debris from falling into the pool during the winter season. It is made of durable solid material and protects your pool from harsh winter conditions like snow, ice, and wind. This prevents the growth of algae in your pool.

Net leaf cover is used with solar cover and winter cover. It is made of loose weave material. It is placed on top of the winter cover before falling to the trap and collecting all leaves, twigs, and debris. This cover is removed before the snow starts making it easier to remove the winter cover during the spring.