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Choosing the Best Discovery Management Software for Your Organization

The best discovery management software is the one that can help you quickly and efficiently manage your document repository and discovery process. It should provide features that let you control the entire workflow of the process, from document collection to review. It should also have features that make the process of document production and review easier and more efficient. When selecting the right discovery management software, consider the following features:

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Document Collection: The software should let you easily collect documents from various sources, such as email, websites, file shares, and other repositories. It should also provide easy ways to organize the documents into categories and sub-categories, so you can quickly access the documents you need.

Document Review: The software should provide mechanisms that help you quickly review the documents and identify any potential issues. It should also provide the ability to assign documents to specific reviewers and set up automated reminders.

Document Production: The best discovery management software should enable you to quickly produce documents for review or production. It should let you easily create documents from templates or by uploading existing documents, and then automatically apply the appropriate formatting and editing rules.

Data Security: The best discovery management software should ensure that all documents and data are securely stored and accessible only to authorized personnel. It should also provide mechanisms for encrypting documents and other data, as well as for preventing unauthorized access.

These features are just a few of the many that you should consider when selecting the best discovery management software for your organization. Make sure to choose software that meets your specific requirements and offers the features that best suit your needs.