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Everything You Should Know About Silo Form Storage

Silos are constructions for storing bulk materials. They are used in various fields and industries to store the end products of various processes – especially to store grain, cement, coal, food, and other products.

Silos are divided into three main categories based on orientation, functionality, and construction. You can also check for the best slip form concrete silo via

Concrete Silos

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1. Cement Silo:

For storing cement and other powdered materials such as cement. Cement silos are further divided into two categories: low-grade silos and static silos. Floors are very useful because of their mobility as they help in transportation.

Static silos do not move, but they are also inexpensive because they require less maintenance. Static silos also have a larger capacity and can hold up to 80 tons of material.

2. Silos in the tower:

As the name suggests, they are built in the form of a tower – more specifically, a cylindrical tower. This tower can be built from various materials such as concrete, wood, steel, and others.

3. Silo for a concrete column:

They are made of concrete as a building material. The structure is connected along the perimeter with the help of reinforced steel. Reinforced concrete provides high strength and durability in buildings.

There are other types of storage silos, such as bunker silos and bag silos which are not widespread.