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Himalayan Salt Facts and Information

Pink Himalayan salt comes from the rock formations of the Himalayas. The name 'Himalayan' is derived from the mountain range that contains the salt; the word 'Himalaya' means mountains in Hindi. A region near the hills in which it can be found is called a Himalayan Salt Mine.

The rock formation in which the salt is mined is found at an altitude of about 13,000 feet. This makes it one of the highest salt deposits in the world. There are two main ways to produce salt. One is through a process where the mineral is extracted by steam from the underground mines and the other method is where the salt is processed by melting it.

Knowing the type of salt that you require is essential before you actually start looking for the right kind. To begin with, there are two types of salt produced in Himalayan salt of mines. They are known as 'golden-red'. The former contains high amounts of iron and hence is called 'golden' salt, whereas the latter is known to have higher amounts of copper and hence is referred to as 'red' salt.

Herzberg Salt is the latter. It is known to be the best of the varieties, having better quality than the latter. Due to its superior qualities, it is much preferred over the former.

It is imperative to know that Pink Himalayan salt comes in different forms. The most popular is the crystal-clear Himalayan salt. This has a silvery-white color with no sediment and can be used in various baking purposes. The next form is plain salt.

The salt has no taste or odor. It also comes in different forms. For instance, it comes in four-milliliter containers. It can be bought in different brands.

Another form of salt is "Heaven's Fire". This type of salt is freeze-dried with the intention of preserving it and is priced very reasonably.

People have been using salt for a long time. In fact, it has been used in Egypt as well as in Arabia. The Greek physician Hippocrates was among the first to use salt in his treatment of diseases.

The Arabs later discovered that the method used for curing a patient of fever used salt to balance the temperature of the body. They then experimented with this and made it a part of their medicine. The Greeks also learned this technique of treating fever and they thus combined it with the use of salt to make a concoction called 'water of life'.

The practice of using salt for treating fever and other sicknesses is known as the science of 'asafetida'. A member of the ginseng family, it is native to the Himalayas. Asafetida is extracted by steaming the plant, drying it, and then separating the water.

The crystals of 'Herzberg Salt' are not known to have many medicinal properties. It can only be used for decorative purposes and is thus much less expensive than the 'Himalayan salt'.

However, the Himalayan salt is certified to be a superfood by experts as it is rich in minerals and vitamins and is suitable for all people's health requirements. According to the Himalayan salt miners, its antioxidants, high concentrations of minerals and vitamins, and natural coloring make it perfect for everyday consumption.