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How Physiotherapists Treat Neck Pain In Edmonton?

A physiotherapist in Edmonton can help with cervical spine pain and disability. The examination begins with a thorough assessment to determine the source of the pain. It will also examine how the pain has changed over time. 

The physio can use the information from the location and behavior of the pain to determine the root cause and the treatment options. You can book an appoinment and get neck pain physical therapy in Edmonton to treat your problems.

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The first thing the physiotherapist will do is investigate the pain. It is important to determine if the pain is localized or if it affects other areas of the body. If the pain is severe and specific, the physiotherapist might conclude that it may be due to poor posture or some other degenerative condition. 

Neck pain can be a sign of many pathologies. The physio will ask the patient all the questions, including past medical history, weight loss and bladder control, quality of sleep, medication use, and quality of appetite. 

To get important information about the health of the neck, cervical ranges of motion are measured. The physio will be able to identify the type of neck pain and the best way to treat it by analyzing the movement response. To pinpoint the problem, cervical rotation, flexion, extension and side flexion are all evaluated. To determine if nerve conduction to the arms works well, muscle strength, sensation, and reflexes will be tested.

Cervical traction is a method that reduces the pressure on the affected section and can help to ease the pain. This can be done either with physiotherapy or using an autotraction device at home.