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How to Find a Music PR Company

If you're looking to get your music out there and onto the radar of music journalists, then you'll need to enlist the help of a music PR company. There are many out there, so it can be hard to decide which one is right for you. 

Here's a complete guide on how to find the right one for your needs.

First, you'll want to assess your level of publicity and who would be best suited for it. Some companies specialize in jazz, classical, or pop while others focus more on an indie or underground artists. 

Once you've determined which type of music PR company is best for you, look online or contact several companies in order to get a sense of their rates and services. You can also speak with representatives from different agencies in order to get an idea of what they offer. 

The next step is finding a reputable music PR firm that identifies potential clients and develops relationships with journalists. You can start by conducting research online or contacting local media outlets and editors directly asking if they’re interested in covering your release. 

Once you have a list of potential partners, it’s time to negotiate terms and conditions with each one. Make sure to specify what kind of coverage you’d like (text/photo feature, press release placement, etc.), as well as any deadlines that need to be met.

Once everything is set, it’s time to hit the ground running! Begin by sending out press releases ahead of scheduled releases and keep an eye on industry blogs and magazines to gauge how your music is being received. If you need help getting your music out there, then a music PR company can be a great resource.