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How to Install an Explosion Suppression System?

Explosion suppression systems are crucial in any industrial or commercial setting where hazardous gases or explosive materials are present. 

The systems help to protect both employees and surrounding property from the potential harm that can come from an uncontrolled explosion.

There are a number of factors to consider when installing an explosion suppression system, including your facility's layout, type of materials being handled, and the size of the system required. Learn more about how to Install and which type of system is best for you via

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To get started, you'll need to identify the areas in your facility where hazardous materials are stored or produced. Next, you'll need to assess the risk posed by these materials and decide which type of system is best suited for your needs.

One option is a local area protection system (LAPS). These systems use sensors and monitoring devices to detect a potential explosion and activate a safe shutdown sequence. 

LAPS systems are typically installed near areas where hazardous materials are stored or produced, such as in warehouses or manufacturing plants.

Another option is a confined space entry system (CCES). These systems use sensors and alarms to detect a potential explosion inside a confined space, such as a warehouse or manufacturing plant.

CCES systems can be installed at ground level or inside elevated walkways.

If you plan to install an explosion suppression system on your property, you'll need to conduct a risk assessment .