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How to Prepare Your Home for a Property Manager

Assuming you just want tips for prepping your home before a property manager arrives: 

1. Do a deep clean of your entire house. This includes cleaning carpets, and windows, dusting baseboards and ceilings, scrubbing bathrooms and kitchens, etc. The property manager will likely have higher standards than you do for cleanliness, so it's best to start with a deep clean. You can also search online to know about a breakdown of short term rental management fees in Dubai.

2. Go through each room of your house and make sure everything is in good working order. This means fixing any broken appliances, repairing any holes in walls or floors, replacing any light bulbs that are out, etc. You want the property manager to be able to move in and start managing without having to deal with repairs right away.

3. Gather all important documents related to the property and put them in a safe place. This includes the lease agreement, insurance information, mortgage papers, etc. The property manager will need to have access to these documents so make sure they're easy to find.

4. Take care of any landscaping tasks that need to be done. This could include mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, pulling weeds, etc. First impressions matter so you want the outside of your house to look nice and well-kept.

5. Make sure all entryways are clear and free of clutter. This includes the porch, front door area, mudroom, etc.