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Photovoltaic System And Its Uses

A photovoltaic system, also known as a solar electric system, is a renewable energy source that uses sunlight to generate electricity. It consists of a solar array, usually made up of photovoltaic (PV) panels, an inverter, and sometimes other components such as a charge controller, battery, and mounting hardware. 

PV systems come in many sizes and can be used for a variety of applications, from powering small devices to providing electricity for an entire community. You can purchase a photovoltaic for companies (also known as photovoltaik fr agenturen in the German language) from the online resources.

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When light hits a PV panel, it causes electrons to be released from the atoms in the panel's semiconductor material. This process is known as the photovoltaic effect. The electrons then flow through metal contacts on the panel, creating an electric current. 

The current is then sent to an inverter, which converts the direct current (DC) electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity. This AC electricity can then be used to power devices or stored in a battery for later use.

Photovoltaic systems come in a variety of sizes and configurations. The most common type is a grid-tied system, which is connected to the electrical grid and allows excess energy to be sold back to the utility company. Other types of PV systems include off-grid systems, which are not connected to the grid and must store energy in batteries, and hybrid systems, which combine solar energy with other energy sources such as wind or geothermal.