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Physical Therapy For Lower Back Pain In North York

Lower back pain is the most prevalent type of pain experienced by people in their middle and early years of life, between the ages of 25 and 55. Lower back discomfort affects 80 percent of the population at some point in their lives. As a result, it's critical to understand the activities that can prolong or intensify a case of lower back pain, as well as what to expect from physical therapy.

Physical therapy is among the methods used to treat problems that cause pain through the use of physical exercises. It is beneficial in a variety of situations. Physiotherapy for lower back pain in North York, Downtown is an excellent option as it doesn't require any surgical or medical treatment and patients can experience some relief from their discomfort.

Physical Therapy Evaluation for Low Back Pain

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In general, the goal of this treatment is to lessen the intensity that back discomfort is causing, enhance the quality of life, and educate the patient on the maintenance program in order to stop any repeats.

The Passive Therapy

There are many types of physical therapy. The therapist is focused on relieving pain through passive therapy. These kinds of treatments are referred to as treatment that is passive because the treatments are administered to patients.

  • Ice packs or heating pads

  • TENS units

  • Ultrasound

Active Therapy:

In addition to treatments that are passive, active therapy is required to help rehabilitate the spinal. The back exercises regimens for patients should include the following types of combinations:

  • Stretching

  •  Strengthening

  • Aerobics with low-impact

There are numerous advantages to lower back pain physical therapy. It improves the speed of healing and offers relief from discomfort. For the best results it is important to keep the treatment going for a few days.