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Small Ways to Make Your Salad More Interesting

There's nothing about a boring salad that tempts you to eat it. Technically, a limp lettuce leaf and half a tomato can be a 'salad', but things have changed since the days when all you could eat was this salad.

Today the salad can be a starter recipe, main dish, or side dish. There are hundreds of salad recipes and you can let your imagination guide you.

Use variety to generate contrast

Using different colors and different textures is essential if you want to make great salad recipes. Try contrasting colorful fruits like raspberries, peaches, and pineapples. You can also learn more about papaya salad recipes through

Also, how about adding some crunchy ingredients like bacon bits, walnuts, and sunflower seeds to your mushy potato salad, along with grapes and cheese?

Another way to take advantage of variety is to separate hot ingredients from cold ones. For example, a cold plate of lettuce leaves, avocado wedges, and cherry tomatoes topped with hot chicken and bacon are great.

Try some international things

If you often use similar ingredients when preparing salad recipes, try something different. How about using some tropical fruit like papaya or mango?

A mango and chicken salad is an especially delicious recipe and would be a great idea for a dinner entree recipe. A sweet flavor works well with salads, and the fruit is naturally sweet, making it a nutritious and delicious choice.

For a very simple exotic salad, mix cold cooked rice or couscous with sliced strawberries or dried apricots, sliced almonds, curry powder and a little sour cream or mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste and maybe a splash of lemon juice.