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Tea Party South Florida

We understand that many people like to connect with fellow tea party members, so we offer a wide variety of events and meetups throughout the year.

Tea Party South Florida

Tea Party South Florida is a grassroots organization committed to promoting fiscal responsibility, free markets and individual liberty. Our meetings and events allow us to interact with like-minded individuals, learn new information and grow our movement. We are always looking for new members! For more information about Tea Party South Florida you can go to this site 

Events: Meetings and Socials

Tea Party South Florida is dedicated to promoting conservative ideals and principles through grassroots activism. We offer monthly meetings and socials to help get out the vote, learn about conservative issues, and network with like-minded individuals. 

This is a great opportunity to network with other conservatives in the area and hear about upcoming events and campaigns. 

We also have a number of social events planned for the remainder of the year. Our winter event is scheduled for Saturday, December 16th at Noon at the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Park Lakes Resort. This event features a buffet lunch and door prizes including a trip to Costa Rica! 

Finally, we are planning our summer picnic on Sunday, June 11th at 1pm at The Venetian in Coral Gables. This event features live music by Southern Belle Band and refreshments courtesy of Starbucks. It's always a fun time when we have it!


Tea Party South Florida is the largest and most active tea party group in South Florida.