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What Can Make Your Home More Accessible

There are a number of ways to make your home more accessible for those with disabilities. One way is to install ramps and elevators in strategic places. You can also modify the layout of your home so that it is easier to navigate. 

One way to make your home more accessible is to install ramps or lifts. This will allow those with mobility issues to easily enter and exit your home, making it easier for them to stay in and enjoy their surroundings. 

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Some easy accessibility changes you can make include:

-Adding extra signage throughout the home, including at the entrance, on staircases and in common areas like the living room and kitchen. This will help people with mobility impairments know where they are and what they need to do next. 

-Installing low door frames that are level with the ground, rather than having a raised edge that makes entering and exiting difficult. This is especially helpful for people who use wheelchairs or walkers. 

-Making sure all doors and windows have adequate handles and steps down to ground level so people with mobility issues don’t have to use stairs or elevators to get into or out of the home. 

-Creating ramps or other forms of accessible entryway furniture that can be moved when needed. This allows people with disabilities to enter and exit the home without having to go through the entire house. 

-Ensuring all electrical outlets are within reach of a wheelchair or scooter, as well as arrangements for plugs so outlets aren’t blocked by furniture.