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Why did they do Chinese foot binding?

Chinese foot binding was basically a historical practice from the Thirteenth century, in which the feet of younger female kids had been really firmly wrapped up to be able to prevent them from developing. The practice did begin in the higher social groups after which it moved to rural regions in which almost half of the female children ended up being the subject of it. As the youngster grows, the feet remained smaller sized. This was basically a barbaric and painful procedure. The feet were wrapped in a gauze and placed into ornamental shoes known as lotus footwear. The foot binding has stopped being carried out because it was ultimately outlawed, but there are some very aged Chinese females in some rural areas which are still living with bound up feet.

The reason for the foot binding would be to keep the feet of the woman small since a smaller foot was regarded as more sensual and attractive, so would be a measure of attractiveness as well as a status symbol. The matrimony potential for girls with more compact feet ended up being better and also the family could very well require a greater payment for their female children. Just about the most appealing females had a foot which was under three inches (10 cm), known as the “golden lotus.” A four inch foot (thirteen centimeters) was called the “silver lotus.” Greater than the four inches was basically considered unappealing and was known as the “iron lotus”.

Once a girl had been through the process of the Chinese foot binding, there was not really a lot that might be done for the pain sensation and deformity other than to keep the foot bound. There wasn't any treatment method out there or provided to fix the disability. They had ongoing pain as well as restricted movement. Chinese foot binding is commonly seen by feminist writers as being an oppressive technique towards females who are victims of a culture. It is also widely regarded as a form of physical violence against females. Bound feet made females dependent on their families, especially the males, since they became predominantly limited to their residences.