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Working of an Explosion Suppression System

Industrial explosions can occur during the production process of various materials such as corn, flour, sawdust, medicines, plastics, sugar, and others. Understanding the environment in which your employees work and any by-products that may arise from their work is very important.

Many companies provide the equipment and systems you may need to minimize the risk of an industrial explosion. Industry experts support you in planning your system from inception to installation. Explosion testing, explosive ventilation, explosion suppression, and insulation systems are some of the options available to your business.

The explosion suppression system consists of four components: Detector, Control Unit, Suppressor, and Confined Space.

Before deflagration, a pressure wave rises from the center of the explosion. The explosion suppression system uses a pressure sensor detector to detect and respond to a developing explosion. A good pressure sensor detects a sharp rise in pressure in milliseconds. The control center receives a detection signal from the pressure sensor and then sends a release signal to the container with the fire extinguisher. The time between receiving the launch command and sending the release command is less than one millisecond.

The fire extinguisher releases the agent at the command from the control center. Since explosive pressure can reach dangerous levels in less than 50 milliseconds, the active ingredient must be released and distributed within a few milliseconds. Suppressants typically include carbon dioxide, FM-200, and water mist.

Explosion suppression systems may also include mechanical or chemical isolation systems to prevent flames or pressure from reaching other process equipment through connected conduits or pipelines. Isolation is usually complete within 5 milliseconds of detection.