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Are Paper Straws better for the Environment than Plastic Ones?

Although paper straws are supposedly "biodegradable," an expert explains why this term could be misleading. Reusing or reducing products is still one of the best ways to save the environment.

It’s safe to say that the global campaign against the use of plastic straws reached a fever pitch this year, with many companies and people choosing to ditch plastic straws in favor of paper ones. But are paper straws the eco-friendly alternative they claim to be? 

Paper straws are biodegradable, which is the main reason for choosing paper straws over plastic. You can check out the best paper straws for your coffee shop via 

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Paper can be biodegradable but won't degrade if it has a lot of pulp. Newspapers can be found in landfills, where the words may still be legible after ten to twenty years.

Furthermore, it is not worth looking at how materials can be decomposed in nature, especially when it comes to cities. All of the city's litter ends up in landfills, not green spaces or the ocean.

The only way to ensure the environment is to get rid of single-use straws. There are many tools already that can do the job of straws. It suggested that we drink our cups from the bottom.

It is important to adapt our lifestyles to use products that can be reused again and again.