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Tips For Basketball Hoops Installation

It is not easy to install a basketball hoop. You will need at least two people to do it. It requires the ability to dig deep, pull up heavy backboards, and turn large bolts and nuts. Let me cut to the chase. If you feel it is not for your skill level, hire a professional to install your hoop.

If you feel you are capable, you may follow instructions for installing in-ground basketball hoop via

An in-ground hoop takes 2 days to make. Digging the hole, mixing concrete, and setting the pole or j-bolts are the first two days. The base of most heavy-duty or high-end backboard systems is J-bolts. Depending on the weather, you will need to let the concrete cure for at most 48 hours.

For colder climates, it takes longer to cure. Next, you will need to assemble your unit. The next step is to lay out the components on the court. As to not scratch the parts and arms, you must do this on the box. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

The second phase is where extra hands are needed. It is believed that the more people involved, the better. Glass backboards can weigh more than 100lbs. It is helpful to have two people to hold the board in place, and another couple of people to insert the bolts and read the instructions.